Jump to: Select a forum | |--Welcome, Announcements, Rules, Admin communication | |--Welcome to Jefferson County Help - Let's connect! | |--Announcements & Admin communication | |--Rules for site use | |--Tools for promoting this forum - QR, Flyers, etc. | |--Resources: informational links, advice, financial info, new to area tips | |--Food pantries, free meals, garden abundance | |--Free items: give, take, freecycle, round robin | |--New to the area tips | |--Event planning, venues, caterers, entertainment | |--Looking to hire help. Post your job ads here to attract workers. | |--How to prepare a job ad | |--Shortcut: I need to hire someone. Here are the details. | |--Child care job ads | |--Special needs job ads | |--Senior care and companionship job ads | |--Lessons and tutoring job ads | |--Pet services job ads | |--Gigs, Errands, Odd, Temporary job ads | |--Home repairs, handyman job ads | |--Home cleaning, laundry, organizer, house sitter job ads | |--Transportation, delivery, taxi, airport drops, pickup, scrapping job ads | |--Outside home care, lawn care, snow removal job ads | |--Office assistance, resume writing, notary, filing clerk, clerical job ads | |--Art project assistance, sewing, knitting, woodworking, repairs job ads | |--Promotional, silk screening, sign flyer poster creation, distribution job ads | |--Technical, computer, online assistance job ads | |--Beauty, makeup, hair, nails job ads | |--Recruiters, agencies, companies job ads | |--Looking for a job. Post your profile or resume. | |--How to prepare a profile | |--Shortcut: I need a job. Here's my profile. | |--Child care profiles | |--Special needs care profiles | |--Senior care and companionship profiles | |--Lessons and tutoring profiles | |--Pet care profiles | |--Errand runner, odd job, temporary profiles | |--Handyman profiles | |--Housekeeper profiles | |--Transportation: delivery, taxi, airport drops, pickup, scrapping profiles | |--Outdoor services: Lawn care, snow removal profiles | |--Office assistance: resume writing, notary, filing clerk, clerical profiles | |--Art project assistance: sewing, knitting, woodworking, repairs profiles | |--Promotional: silk screening, sign flyer poster creation, distribution profiles | |--Technical services: computer, online assistance profiles | |--Beauty services: makeup, hair, nails profiles | |--General resume or profile. Fits several categories. | |--ASAP: work today. hire today. | |--ASAP opportunities | |--Meetups, socializing, finding 'real life' friends based on interests and hobbies | |--Food preparation (cooking, baking) | |--People groups | |--Crafters | |--Sports | |--Make some friends here | |--Volunteer opportunities | |--One time, yearly events | |--Recurring, weekly, monthly events | | |--Check-ins | | | |--Casual, on your own time, remote events | |--Shop local | |--Food related | |--Consultants | |--Crafts | |--General or miscellaneous merchandise | |--Barter and trade merchandise and services | |--General chat and introductions | |--Introduce yourself | |--General chat | |--Invitations to calendar events | |--Q & A: You have questions, members have answers. Ask away. | |--Area specific posts (within Jefferson county) |--Lake Mills (town and city) |--Johnson Creek |--Cambridge (Jefferson county) |--Jefferson |--Fort Atkinson |--Watertown |--Waterloo